2021 Django/Swing Camp Update

2021 Django/Swing Camp AB – North of Blackfalds, Alberta: 13-15 Aug

Hello all Swing/Django fans!  Thanks for signing up for the first jam camp.  This is fairly unstructured since it’s the first one.  If this goes well perhaps we can do this every year.  

Here is an update.  It’s happening Aug. 13-15, 2021 at Watipi Campground near Blackfalds, AB. The campground fees will be paid directly to the campground hosts when you arrive. They ask that you arrive at the site via a back entrance because there are other events going on at the hall.  
Watipi Campground Back Gate:2 km north of Blackfalds and 6.5 km south of Lacombe on Range Road 272.  Turn West on Twp Rd 40-01.1 km to Timbers Road. Turn North for 1.1 km to Gate on the right. Bear left to reach the gazebo.https://www.google.ca/maps/place/52%C2%B024’57.2%22N+113%C2%B048’19.7%22W/@52.415898,-113.8060105,234m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d52.415898!4d-113.8054615

Here is a suggested schedule of activities for the weekend.

4 to 7 PM  Arrive and set up.  Individual supper time.  

7 PM   BYO drinks and cocktails for a meet and greet. Do round-the-picnic-table introductions.  Discuss interests in workshops and band scramble.  Followed by a group warm up jam. 

Maybe we can split jams into 2 or so groups. We can split by expertise (newer jammer vs intermediate/advanced). Or we could split into general swing and Django if people prefer.  It would be nice to designate a leader for each and go over jam etiquette (bluegrass circle kind of rules). 

8 PM Jam until forever. 

9 AM Post breakfast warm up jams. 

11 AM Organize the band scramble.  Scramble practice time until lunch-ish.  

Lunch Break

1-4 PM  Workshops/lessons (topics to be decided)

4 PM until supper Jams.  

Supper break

7 PM  Band scramble. 

9 PM    Jam until forever. 

9 AM  Post breakfast warm up jams. 

1-4 PM  Workshops/lessons (topics to be decided)

4 PM until supper or people trickle away Jams.  

Band Scramble
We can do this if people are interested – it’s kind of fun.  We randomly put together a few bands – one bass player, a guitar player or two, violin, vocals, etc. per band.  Then the bands get together and decide on two or three tunes to play.  Arrange and rehearse these tunes during the day and present your little set of music in the evening.

Possible Workshop Topics

  • Rhythm guitar: swing chords
  • Rhythm guitar: la pompe
  • Lead playing: any instrument
  • Repertoire: learn a couple more tunes.
  • Repertoire: Rhythm changes (1-6-2-5)

We have a guitar teacher coming from Calgary (Phill) who would be happy to address any type of topic you might be interested in.  He’s a pro so we should throw in some money for his services.  Maybe even sign up for a private lesson with him. 
We may be able to accommodate other workshops: upright bass, ukulele, violin, etc. if there is interest.  Please let me know what you might like.  

It would be good to have a some common core repertoire that we all know for the weekend.  Here is a suggested list of tunes that come up a lot.  I suggest spending some time familiarizing yourself with several of the tunes (chords, melodies, lyrics).

There are a lot of resources (charts, youtoobs, etc.) for learning these tunes here: https://djangojazzcalgary.wordpress.com/resources/#transcriptions

Common Tunes For Everyone

  • Joseph Joseph (Am) 
  • Minor Swing (Am)
  • Blues en Mineur (Gm)
  • I Can’t Give You Anything But Love (G) 
  • All of Me (C) 
  • Swing Gitan (Gm) 
  • J’Attendrai (C)
  • Autumn Leaves (Em)
  • Blue Drag (Dm)
  • Coquette (D) 

Favourites from the Edmonton Jam Crowd
These are some tunes that often come up at our Edmonton jams.  We know them and will probably try to bring them up, but they might not be as commonly known.  Maybe we could teach some in a repertoire workshop.

  • Tchavo (Gm)
  • Veish a no Drom (Dm)
  • Pennies From Heaven (C)
  • For Sephora (Em)
  • Je sui seul ce soir (C)
  • Si tu savais (Cm)
  • Anniversary Song/Waves of the Danube (Em)

You can find these on the web and youtube.  When I get a chance I can put some links up on the WordPress site here:  https://swingcampalberta.wordpress.com/

If you have any other suggestions for repertoire or workshops, or other questions please send me a note.  

Thanks and see you in one month!