2022 Swing Camp Alberta – Workshop Update

Swing/Django Camp Alberta 19-21 August 2022. Only a few more weeks until the jam camp weekend!

The camp is mostly about jamming, but there will be three great instructors there.

Phill West from Calgary http://www.calgarysbestguitarlessons.com/ will be teaching a guitar workshop. He was at the camp last year – nice guy, great player and teacher. See the previous posting. You can also arrange some lessons with him at any time.

Clint Pelletier from BC (formerly of Edmonton) will also be coming late Saturday afternoon as he is touring through Alberta. He will teach a guitar workshop, and if there is time maybe some one-on-one lessons. He is a really great guitar player, teacher and really a nice guy. I’ve jammed with him and taken workshops with him and I can say he’s one of the best guitar players and best teachers around. He plays many different styles and is particularly great in the Django/hot club/gypsy jazz style. He has played with many people including the great Calvin Vollrath and the Hot Club of Edmonton. Google some youtubes and you’ll see.

Then there is the violin/fiddle legend Cam Neufeld https://www.camneufeld.com/. He is also a great player and teacher in many styles, including swing and hotclub, and teaches all sorts of stringed instruments. He’s actually the reason I started playing hot club! He’ll teach a violin workshop.

Three fantastic instructors, lots of jamming, cheap price!

In order to reserve a spot, please send $30 for the camping and portapotty rental to Kevin Jacobson, the_cave@yahoo.com. Include your name, email address so I can contact you, and let me know what instrument you play and what workshop you’re interested in. I’ll send the detailed directions to the registered participants. The instructors need to be paid too so please bring some cash to the camp to pay them. The workshop cost per person will depend on how many people attend each workshop, but it will be pretty reasonable, probably about $20 to $30 per workshop (cheap!!!). The more attendees we have, the lower the price and the better the instructors get paid, but I need to guarantee a minimum so they can afford at the least the gas to get there and home! (BTW, I’m not making any money myself, but those guys do this for a living).